Self-Therapy Using Tennis Balls...
/The Magic of Zen Shiatsu and Myofascial Release Combined.
Yu Points (sometimes referred to as Shu points) are some of the most effective treatment points on the body (they are located on either side of the spine and benefit all your internal organs). Stimulate these points and gain enormous health benefits!
The easiest way to work these points is to place two tennis balls in a sock and knot the end so the balls stay close together (with about a fingers-width gap in-between them).
Place your new tool on a carpeted floor (or bed) and lie down gradually, starting around the shoulder blades, with your spine directly between each ball.
If the spots are tender, then you found the “magic” spot. Try to relax & breathe! You can keep your knees bent to relieve pressure on the lower back.
Spend at least 90 seconds on that magic spot – you will eventually feel yourself soften over the balls and any tenderness in that area will melt away. The time component is key – watch the clock!
Once you soften, and the magic spot no longer has any tenderness, it’s time to move to the next spot. Bend your knees, pick up your hips and gently roll your body upwards on the balls, until you find another tender area. Hold, breathe, and melt.
Repeat until you have covered the full length of your spine. Or do part now and come back to it later (or the next day, whenever you have 10 – 30 minutes to pamper yourself).
We love this self-treatment because it combines the ancient knowledge of Zen Shiatsu acupressure points with the powerful JFB Myofascial Release technique providing profound, lasting results………….and this easy self-treatment technique can even be done standing or sitting up (while watching your favorite tv show, at the movie theater, in a car or on an airplane).
And, you don’t just have to treat the back - get creative!
Tennis balls can be used to treat many areas of the body…