Relieve Upper Back Pain: Improve Your Posture & Your Swing.

Simple Standing Side Stretch

This Easy, Effective Stretch is Great for Anyone (and Everyone) ....

But if you love golf, hockey, baseball, tennis, pickleball - you need this stretch in your life (it might even improve your swing!).

Stand with you left shoulder about a foot and a half away from the wall. Lift your right hand up and over your head, bending the torso sideways, until your fingertips touch the wall (if need be, adjust the distance of your feet).

Cross your right foot over the left so you feel a deep gentle stretch along the entire right side.

Try to hold this stretch for 5 minutes, relaxing into the pose, gently rolling the right shoulder back and squaring the hips. Pay attention to the breath (and the sensations happening in the body).

Inhale deeply, filling up the chest, feeling the breath expand the ribcage, deepening farther into the stretch.

Keep the neck relaxed (experiment with looking down, straight ahead or up towards the right shoulder). #flowingneverforcing

You may eventually flatten the hand against the wall and gently push into the wall while pushing the hips away from the wall. Relax, breathe, adjust (gently pulling the shoulder back, expanding the ribcage, pushing the hip out, relaxing).

Once you feel enough time has passed, come out of it slowly, do a 180 and tend to the left side (right hip toward wall, raise left hand up and over the head, bend torso, cross left leg over right, relax and breathe).

Need Something More Intense?

Pain between the shoulder blades?

Release the Rib Cage!

This easy static stretch only requires a foam roller and a yoga block (or a stack of books/pillows).

Rid yourself of muscle tightness and discomfort, mobilize the rib cage, and improve breathing.

I prefer a foam roller that has a 4-inch diameter (with a 12-inch length):

You will want to try this self-therapy stretch if your upper back feels locked up and massages do not get rid of it; you have intense nerve pain radiating up from the shoulder into the neck and head; if you have trouble inhaling deeply; if you have nerve pain radiating down your arm(s); if you feel like you have a rib sticking you in the heart or lungs (and before someone comments please notice I said "feels like, not that it actually is") ..... and if you have been told you have tight lats causing chronic migraines.