High quality supplements shipped right to your door!

Fair prices. Easy Ordering. Helpful Reminders.

Personalized Bodywork clients save 20% on any (and all) items available at Fullscript, the virtual dispensary (no, not pot …… fish oil, ashwagandha, vitamin D!).

Click the “place order” button below, create your account, and start saving today…

Purchase products through our Fullscript virtual dispensary.

Unfortunately, nowadays, everyone needs supplements. If we ate a healthy organic diet 100% of the time we would still most likely need some kind of supplementation because most of the soil is completely depleted of nutrients so it's almost impossible for the body to get everything it needs solely from our diets.

We do not have the expertise to provide supplement recommendations and encourage you to seek out professional quality stool and blood testing to find out exactly what supplements your body is craving/missing. Your primary care physician, a functional medicine doctor, or dietitian should be able to order the lab work.

Ready for a Reset?

If you are looking for a good juice cleanse, may we suggest Chef V

No Cravings. No suffering. No energy crashes.

Contains all the nutrients you need to enjoy a 1, 3, or 5 day cleanse safely (without the messy prep) - Green Drinks, Protein Shakes & Detox Soups.