Detoxes: Cleansing the Body, Mind, and Spirit.

Dietary Detoxes (and more)…

Feeling bloated, sluggish, or just plain “blah”? You aren’t alone.

We all go through periods in which we aren’t feeling all that great ….. even though we are not ill.

While there can be many reasons for feeling this way, sometimes we just need to take a step back and reassess some of our daily habits, including what, when, and how we eat (and our habits). A detox might be just what you need to get back to feeling great!

Dietary Detox 101: Get Rid of the Bloat

What Is a Dietary Detox?

A dietary detox is a radical change in your eating plan for a specific period of time. During the detox, you focus on consuming healthy, low calorie, and nutrient-dense foods while excluding processed food, alcohol, added sugars and other substances that can compromise your health.

For many people, a dietary detox is similar to a fast: You might restrict your calories and opt to enjoy only one or two meals a day. In other cases, you might want to focus on cleansing foods, such as raw fruits and vegetables, fresh juices, or smoothies, but without restricting meal frequency. (Doing a juice cleanse doesn’t have to be messy or stressful. Let Chef V do all the hard work for you!)

And, as long as you’re introducing change to your diet, why not add a non-dietary change to your detox? A few ideas:

  • Avoiding electronic entertainment, such as television, radio, or streaming services.

  • Taking time off from social media and “screen time”.

  • Focusing on spiritual or religious practices (prayer or meditation).

  • Spending time alone (forest bathing).

Digital Detox for Mental Health

Benefits of Detoxing

There are some real benefits to detoxing. Here are a few:

  • Giving your body and digestive system a rest from the consumption of rich or processed food.

  • Allowing your body to heal from unhealthy ingredients.

  • Offering you a chance to re-assess your nutrition and life habits.

  • Re-setting your appetite and taste buds: many people find themselves eating less after a detox. (Once you get rid of white sugar and all the artificial flavors, you might find that fresh, whole, organic foods taste even better!)

Planning Your Detox

An effective detox requires planning. Planning ahead allows you to set goals for your detox, have what you need to care for yourself during this time, and helps to ensure that you stick to your plan. Here are some things to think about when planning a detox:

  • Scheduling: How much time do you want to take for your detox? When would be a good time to schedule the detox? If you are new to this practice, consider a short detox to start, maybe 24-48 hours. As you get more familiar with this practice, you can opt for longer periods.

  • Detox location: if you live alone, it may be possible to complete your detox at home. If you live with others, you may decide that you want to undertake your detox elsewhere: while camping, at a retreat center or a nearby resort/spa.

  • Eating plan: What do you plan to eat and drink during the detox? You’ll need to create a shopping list so that you’ll have everything on hand. Don’t forget beverages as well: consider purchasing mineral water and high-quality teas and herbal infusions for staying hydrated during the detox. (Or order everything from Chef V)

  • Reading and listening material: Seek out positive, affirming reading and listening material for your detox. Put together some playlists of beautiful music and borrow some audio and standard books from your local library.

After you complete your detox, take some time to journal about your experiences and how you are feeling now. Consider some things that you did during the detox that you would like to make a regular part of your wellness program. Going forward, you may find that it is easier to eliminate bad habits, foods and other practices that have weighed you down and compromised your energy and well-being.

Dietary Detox 101
Dietary, Social Media, Friend Detox